阿德萊德,澳大利亞, 2020年4月13日 - (亞太商訊) - Leading Australian CRO Avance Clinical said there was still strong demand from Asian and US sponsors, and commended Australian sites that had risen to the challenge to deliver for Avance Clinical clients during this difficult time.
Avance Clinical is a medium-sized full-service CRO known for its nimble and collaborative approach, with more than 20-years of experience in managing early phase trials.
Avance Clinical's Chief Strategist Ben Edwards said a key factor in sponsor demand is the speed and attractive cost of running trials in Australia. In particular, they include:
- The Australian Government financial rebate of more than 40% on clinical trial spend - No IND required for clinical trials and streamlined regulatory processes - Advanced medical, research and scientific community, leading investigators and KOLs, and modern medical facilities
Watch video - how we work here https://www.avancecro.com/
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen, who has a background in pure research, said sponsors saw the value of running studies in Australia.
"In addition, Australia is not as hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis which has meant we can work with sites to deliver studies that might otherwise be put on hold, costing time and money and causing crippling delays to drug pipelines," said Ms Lungershausen. "We are pleased to be the Australian CRO of choice for international sponsors," she said.
"Australia's reputation for FDA compliant scientific and research excellence, its advanced healthcare, and the opportunity to access patients in a less clinical trial competitive environment further reinforces its advantage as a destination for clinical trials."
For more information about the benefits of running your next study in Australia contact us: https://www.avancecro.com/contact-us/
About Avance Clinical
Avance Clinical has more than 20-years of experience and is now one of Australia's leading Contract Research Organisations. Avance Clinical facilitates quality drug development by aligning people, skills, and expertise in the pursuit of drug development for a healthier world.
Avance Clinical is committed to providing high-quality clinical research services with its highly-experienced team. The collective pool of knowledge and experience at Avance Clinical continually grows through the careful selection of experts who also demonstrate passion in their chosen field.
Avance Clinical offers high quality services in an established clinical trial ecosystem, that includes world-class Investigators and Sites able to access specialised patient groups. Other benefits include:
1. The Government R&D grant means more than 40% rebate on clinical trial spend 2. Telehealth pivot during COVID-19 pandemic - speed and continuity 3. Site Initiation Visit (SIV) and Study Start achieved in 5 - 6 weeks 4. No IND required for clinical trials 5. Full GMP material is not mandated for Phase I clinical trials 6. Established clinical trial environment with world-class Investigators and sites 7. Established healthy subject databases and specialised patient populations 8. Five independent Phase 1 facilities across Australia including hospital-based units for critical care 9. Major hospitals with world class infrastructures and dedicated Clinical Trial Units with a long track-record in FDA compliant research 10. Seasonal studies: Northern hemisphere Sponsors can conduct their studies year-round by taking advantage of Australia's counter-flu and allergy seasons.
Media Contact: media@avancecro.com Chris Thompson
話題 Clinical Trial Results
部門 制药及生物技术, 健康与医药
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